Confused about T-Shirt Copyright?
Unsure of the legal side of everything?Save yourself from making costly copyright and trademark mistakes that could get you sued.

Your fuzzy understanding of copyright is holding you back.
Your fuzzy understanding of copyright is holding you back from building a profitable t-shirt business and is making you vulnerable to getting sued.
As a graphic designer or t-shirt business you want to create and sell t-shirts your friends and customers love and that skyrocket your sales.
Whether you’re creating and selling t-shirts as a one off, a side project, or a full-time gig, it’s important to have a command of copyright and trademark fundamentals so you don’t unknowingly infringe on the rights of others and make mistakes that could get you in trouble.
If you screw up, the consequences of copyright infringement can easily be six-figure, staggeringly expensive.
You know the old saying – “ignorance of the law is no excuse.”
Unfortunately, it’s a reality that what you don’t know can hurt you.
The consequences of copyright infringement can be costly and expensive.
You don’t want any willful copyright infringement to leave you at risk of being dragged into court and ordered to pay statutory damages of up to $150,000 along with a rightful-copyright-holder’s attorney’s fees which could easily exceed $50,000.
And you certainly don’t want to screw up and be stuck with boxes of t-shirt inventory you can’t sell because you inadvertently infringed on someone else’s copyright or trademark rights.

The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is your decoder ring to crack the code on copyright.
As a graphic designer or t-shirt business you can save yourself from inadvertently making costly copyright and trademark mistakes that could get you sued and ruin your t-shirt business by using The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook, because it shores up your current fuzzy understanding of copyright and intellectual property in simple, easy-to-understand language written specifically for t-shirt designers and t-shirts businesses.
The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is your decoder ring to crack the code on copyright.
This guide will help you wrap your head around copyright and trademarks whether you’re just getting started or are already established.

Dan Lachman
Founder & Owner, Sharp Shirter
Cleveland, Ohio
“Wish I had this handbook 5 years ago before I blew through $2,500 with lawyer fees.
You’ve covered pretty much everything I would have needed to know.”
T-shirt copyright and trademark law explained simply, so you can actually understand it.
I’ve taken all the research on copyright and trademark law, applied it to the t-shirt industry and condensed it into a simple, easy-to-understand guide designed explicitly for t-shirt designers and t-shirt businesses.
This handbook will help you create with the confidence that you aren’t violating copyright or trademark laws that could cause you or your business to get sued.
It will equip you with the knowledge you need to save yourself from making rookie slipups that could sabotage your business and come back to haunt you in the form of an embarrassing and expensive mistake.
After all, you want to do the right thing.
And now you have a handbook that will help you be the person who knows how to do the right thing while building a successful and profitable t-shirt business.

Hannah Holmes
Monster No. 5 T-Shirt Store on Etsy
Bristol, Virginia
“Even after trying to do my own research online into the world of copyright and trademarks, I still felt so out of my depth trying to navigate it all; everything seemed so gray area (not to mention difficult to find in more detail without going directly to an attorney).
I felt that I was just seeing the same general statements over and over, and it was difficult to understand how they related to the work I am doing.
I was extremely discouraged with the results of my personal research, and to be honest – although very hopeful – I was somewhat doubtful that your book would provide me with much more confidence in the matter.
Despite my wariness, I can certainly say that this guide delivered on it’s promises!
It was a very easy read (I read it all in one sitting!), but packed to the brim with clear, concise information.
I feel much more confident in navigating the murky waters of intellectual property, not to mention ready and able to respond should I be accused of infringement or infringed upon myself.
The chapters were well explained, easy to follow, and provided solid examples.
I also felt that your ending chapter regarding “FAQs” was a great way to round out any remaining questions I had.
This is a great resource for not just t-shirt designers, but anyone working in a visual creative field.
Entrepreneurs and designers at smaller companies without a legal team on hand should absolutely have this guide at their disposal.”
Get your free chapter

The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is the only step-by-step, copyright guide written specifically for graphic designers and t-shirt businesses.
I wrote The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook specifically for graphic designers and t-shirt businesses because so much information scattered across the internet about copyright and intellectual property is written in boring, hard-to-understand legalese that rarely addresses your specific needs.
By reading this guide you will have a better understanding of copyright, trademarks and intellectual property than 99% of all graphic designers and t-shirt businesses.
The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is the blueprint, step-by-step guide you’ve always wanted but has never existed until now.
How to decide if The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is right for you.
The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is the right guide for you if:
- You’ve ever been confused about copyright and wished someone could explain it to you like you were five.
- You’ve gotten into the t-shirt business to make a little money on the side or are already in the t-shirt business and you don’t totally get how copyright and trademarks work, and you want someone to point you in the right direction.
- You have an idea for a t-shirt, are unsure of the legal side of everything, and you want to do business above board and the right way because you value your reputation.
- You don’t have a ton of money to hire an attorney but you still need answers to your t-shirt copyright and trademark questions.
- You want to get more value out of the money you do spend getting legal advice so you don’t have to spend $500/hour to learn copyright basics from an attorney.
- You want to understand enough about copyright and trademark law so you don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

Imagine how good it would feel to be able to create with confidence and avoid getting sued.
Imagine what it will feel like to create with confidence and build a profitable t-shirt business with a firm understanding of copyright and trademark fundamentals that will help you protect yourself and avoid getting sued.
The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook will help you be the graphic designer and t-shirt business that does the right thing, and avoids common copyright pitfalls and potential lawsuits that keep others from building profitable t-shirt businesses.
While you may really want to only deal with the creative side of the business and not the legal realities of doing business, this guide will equip you with what you need to know to protect yourself and reduce your chances of receiving an email with the subject line, “You are infringing on my copyright. Pay up!”
Don’t wait.
Save yourself from screwing up.
Let’s shore up your current fuzzy understanding of copyright — together.
About the Author
About the Editor

Reggie Solomon
Fortunately for you and other readers of this handbook, I’ve had a very expensive copyright and intellectual property education which you are going to benefit from directly with this guide.
This is because I’ve worked extensively with copyright and intellectual property attorneys to create and setup my company, Kunvay, which I founded to help creatives, freelancers and their clients transfer copyright and intellectual property ownership online with documented assurance.
I regularly work with attorneys to create content for Kunvay’s blog which is where the idea for this handbook originated.
I also founded and own a t-shirt business with over 13,000 t-shirts sold to date.
I know what it takes to start and run a successful t-shirt business, including what it takes to protect a business’s creative assets from being infringed upon by others.
In addition to holding an undergraduate degree from Yale University and a master’s degree from the Harvard Kennedy School, I’ve worked for technology companies in Silicon Valley whose bread and butter depends on intellectual property.
Lastly, I’m also a published author and creative at heart with over a decade of experience working at Yale University with smart, inspired people for whom ingenuity is second nature.
Blake Iverson
Blake Iverson is an intellectual property attorney and professor in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He serves the creative community including fashion and graphic designers, advertising agencies, breweries and entertainers.
Blake drafts and negotiates contracts and license agreements and assists clients with copyright and trademarks filing.
He teaches entertainment law at McNally Smith College of Music and arts law at Saint Mary’s University.
He also helps undergraduate and graduate students learn about copyright, licensing, contracts and ethics.
Blake holds a B.A. in History and Cultural Studies from the University of Minnesota, and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School.
He has been a featured Creative Mornings speaker and in 2016 was named a Super Lawyers Rising Star.
In his free time Blake enjoys Timberwolves basketball, Veronica Mars, guitars, running and pub trivia.
In his youth, he customized his t-shirts with stencils and spray paint.
Look inside to see what you’ll learn.
For the price of a t-shirt, you will learn how to create with confidence, sell your t-shirts, and avoid getting sued in one 2-hour sitting or read through.

I wrote The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook for you because . . .
I wrote The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook for two reasons.
First, I wrote this guide because I’m on a mission to make the world safe for creativity.
It’s the reason I created Kunvay to be the place where creativity changes hands – safely.
Second, I wrote this handbook because you asked me to.
You so did.
“How can I . . . ? How do I . . . ? I’m so confused.”
You see at Kunvay our inbox has been flooded with emails from graphic designers and t-shirt businesses with copyright and intellectual property questions.
You already intuitively know that getting copyright “right” is the only way you’ll ever build a t-shirt business of any reputation or worth.
It’s been great to connect with so many of you, but there isn’t enough time in the day for me to respond individually to each of you.
This really pains me because I know as a t-shirt business owner myself, you are reaching out because you actually need our help.
A common theme emerged from our email exchanges, conversations and blog posts on t-shirt law and copyright that have generated over 100 questions and comments.
While well-intentioned and well-meaning, many of you don’t know enough about the basic mechanics of copyright and intellectual property to protect yourself or your t-shirt businesses.
And frankly, why should you?
It’s not like design school or business school ever taught you the copyright and intellectual property fundamentals you need to know to protect yourself and build a successful t-shirt business.
The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook solves this problem for you. Fast. And inexpensively.

Learn how to protect yourself and build a profitable t-shirt business even if you can’t afford to hire an attorney right now to get answers to your copyright questions.
I wrote this handbook to teach you the copyright and intellectual property fundamentals that will help you protect yourself and build a successful t-shirt business because many of you can’t afford to hire an attorney to get answers to your copyright questions.
As a t-shirt business owner myself, I’ve been where you are now.
I’ve had copyright questions I’ve needed answers to.
The only difference between you and me is that I’ve spent thousands of dollars in hourly attorney fees to get answers to my copyright and trademark questions which I’m now sharing with you in this guide.
Because I’m not an attorney, I know how to explain copyright in a way non-attorneys like you and me can actually understand.
I’ve put hundreds of hours of extensive research into preparing this handbook for you which has been edited by an attorney — all for your benefit.
I’ve learned the copyright and intellectual property realities of running a profitable t-shirt business.
I’ve also learned what I need to know to protect myself and my t-shirt business so I can avoid getting sued.
Now, I want to help you do the same.
Choose from 3 Packages
The T-Shirt Copyright Review Package
Get a personal, one-on-one phone call with an attorney to review your t-shirt design ideas and answer your specific questions plus all the resources included in The Complete Package.

Got a great idea for a t-shirt, and want to know if it’s legal?
Confused about the legality of your t-shirt design ideas and want to review them with an attorney to keep yourself from screwing up?
Get this package which includes everything in The Complete Package below plus a 30-minute, one-on-one call with an attorney who can review your t-shirt design ideas with you and answer your specific copyright and trademark questions.
Spend 30 minutes upfront to avoid months and thousands of dollars of hourly-attorney fees down the line defending yourself in a lawsuit.
The Complete Package
Get all the premium resources you need to prepare yourself to tackle and slay t-shirt copyright to the fullest.

Get answers to your copyright questions and stop holding yourself back from realizing your true potential.
This handbook delivered as a beautifully-designed PDF and in ePub and Mobi format, is perfect for reading on your tablet or desktop and is the core of what you need to create with confidence, sell your t-shirts and avoid getting sued.
You’ll refer back to this guide for years to come.

Case Study Guide
Sharpen your ground game and learn from the mistakes and successes of other graphic designers and t-shirt businesses so you don’t sabotage your t-shirt business before it even takes off.
This case study guide details real-world examples from those who have navigated copyright and copyright infringement claims successfully and unsuccessfully.
Get valuable lessons and takeaways so you don’t miss out on how to apply important copyright and trademark fundamentals to your t-shirt business.
If you can’t afford to hire an attorney to defend yourself in court, you can’t afford not to read this guide to keep yourself from landing in court in the first place.

Licensing Agreement Template
Profit from licensing your own artwork or from licensing someone else’s artwork for use in building your t-shirt line.
This clear, easy-to-understand, licensing agreement template will help you get legal permission to use someone else’s copyrighted work or give someone else permission to use your copyrighted work.
If you’re trying to get licensing permission to use the Batman logo from DC Comics, this agreement isn’t right for you.
But for the majority of graphic designers and t-shirt businesses for whom this simple, easy-to-use, licensing agreement was specially designed, this contract template is exactly what you need to get your licensing done safely and efficiently.
Want to share this package with your team?
Get a team license so you can share The Complete Package premium resources with all the members of your team.
Get your co-workers up to speed on copyright and purchase a team license for $999.
Share with up to 50 members of your team.
The Handbook
Get the budget option that will help you successfully tackle t-shirt copyright.

Get the core copyright guide you need.
Get answers to your copyright questions so you can stop limiting your creative and business potential.
This handbook delivered as a beautifully-designed PDF and in ePub and Mobi format, is perfect for reading on your tablet or desktop and is the core of what you need to create with confidence, sell your t-shirts and avoid getting sued.
You’ll refer back to this guide for years to come.
So if budget is an issue, get the book by itself.
You won’t regret it.
Which package should I buy?
This basically depends on what you need most.
The Complete Package is the best package because it includes the most resources to help you tackle t-shirt copyright on your own.
If you want to discuss your specific t-shirt ideas with an attorney The T-Shirt Copyright Review Package is the most appropriate package for you.
The handbook itself is the core offering that will provide you with tons of value.
Is there a money back guarantee?
Your purchase of The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.
If you don’t learn something about copyright and trademarks that helps you or your t-shirt business, email us with a copy of your receipt, and we’ll issue you a full refund.
What if I still have a question?
If you still have a question about whether The T-Shirt Copyright Handbook is right for you, please send us an email, and we’ll do our best to answer your question.
If you have questions about t-shirt copyright, get your questions answered with the T-Shirt Copyright Review Package above.